Love All, Everywhere, Like Jesus


We believe the Holy Spirit is the ultimate power for transformation of lives and communities; therefore, we intentionally create experiences and environments where lives are changed. (Sunday Morning, Small Groups, Retreat, Classes, etc.)

We believe an authentic apprenticeship to Jesus is the only path to real freedom; therefore, we encourage everyone to be with Jesus, become like Jesus and do as Jesus did through the creation of a Rule/Way of Life.

We believe the faith community exists for the benefit of its non-members and has the privilege of participating in God’s mission to create shalom throughout the world therefore we seek to love well by listening and responding to the felt and specific needs in our community and beyond.

We believe that Jesus calls us to be a community of radical hospitality, authenticity, and belonging; therefore, we encourage people to come just as they are, and we work to embrace our local community in all its God-given diversity.

We believe that Jesus asks us to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God. Therefore, in partnership with God’s Spirit we work to end injustice and suffering in our world.

We believe that God is at work throughout the world and that follower of Jesus is on mission right where God has his/her/them, at home, at work, or in their neighborhood.  Therefore, we strive to encourage and equip everyone at SPC to live faithfully the other 6 days of the week.

SPC Leadership

A strong team has been assembled to walk the congregation through life. Many of us work part time, but most are around on Sundays. Feel free to come up and introduce yourself, we'd love to get to know you! To find out more about our staff, please click here.

SPC Elders and Deacons

Our elders and deacons are elected by the congregation to provide servant leadership to the church for a term of three years and may be eligible for re-election for a second term.                                                               

Rob Danforth, Sue Maloney, Alexa Meissner, Bryon Peterson, Nancy Schuldt (Clerk of Session), Ann Bongiani, Jon Weinstein, Keri Binsacca, and Dave Castillo.


Lauren Anderson, Diane Buck, Clare Huleen, Stephen Jones, Linda Joyce, Lyn Langdon, Ali McKerlich, Trish Purvis, Yingju Ren, Kelly Schmidt, Sara Cupp, Nancy Beckham, Josh Berg, Kelly Brench, Lisa Thompson, Don Burke, Chrissie Rouse.