
God’s original plan for people is that they follow Jesus together.  At SPC, we believe people become more like Jesus in community.  This is part of our discipleship pathway – a journey you are invited to step into at any point.

We offer a variety of ways to connect and grow together:

  • Come to an event or Sunday morning worship

  • Attend a class on parenting, work, marriage, leadership or faith

  • Join an interest group, prayer group or small group

  • Serve locally with Issaquah Food Bank or World Relief

  • Serve on an international mission team, as a family or individually

Christian Foundations: Seeing Self, Others, and the World from a Classical Biblical Perspective

In this class we will look at six classical or foundational Biblical teachings - Creation, Fall, Covenant, Incarnation, Atonement, Resurrection - and how they shape a Christian view of the world. Each class will consist of three elements: a brief look at Scripture and tradition related to each topic, an exploration of the “connection points” of each topic to our lives today, and a chance to share briefly in small groups. The class is designed for long-time Christians as well as those who are new to or just beginning to explore the Christian faith. Taught by Pastor Emeritus Tyler Easley. We'll meet in C-201.

Childcare is available for birth-5th grade by registering HERE by October 6.

Setting Our Work in a Kingdom Context

Bringing some of the fish we have caught: Setting our work in a Kingdom context 

“Bring some of the fish you have caught and come and have breakfast.” (Jn 21:10,12) It’s the invitation the Resurrected Christ issues to his fisherman disciples who have gone back to work to deal with the whiplash of his death and resurrection and it will serve as the controlling metaphor for this class.   The meaning and significance of our work is not primarily rooted in accomplishing some task Jesus needs us to perform as it is about noticing and participating in the work he is already doing.  We give 1/3 of our lives to the work that we do for money or to support a family economy, how can this work be a part of, rather than somehow separate from, our spiritual lives?  To help us to explore this question we’ll use texts from the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, the birth and post-resurrection stories in Luke’s Gospel and portions of Eugene Peterson’s book Christ Plays in 10,000 Places.   

This class will be taught by Rev. Dave Rohrer over over Zoom. The link will be sent out before class.      

Making Marriage Work

Most of us start out in marriage with energy, passion, time and a deep excitement about being in committed relationship with our partners…and then life happens.  Kids, work, health, aging, other interests, extended family all intrude...and suddenly we realize our marriage is on life support - or at best, not what it used to be.  Using material from John and Julie Gottman’s 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work and 8 Dates, led by Rev. Kelly & Matt Hostetler, we will reflect on great material, take some intentional one-on-one time with our partners (with suggested “homework”) as well as time for group conversation. Room assignment TBD. 

Childcare provided by registering HERE; if you can only attend some of the classes, come for those! 

  • There are two things we cannot do alone: be married and follow Jesus.

    Paul Tournier