
Support SPC by contributing a donation.

Text to Give

Text the amount you want to give to 84321.

Give Online

Click here to begin.

Cash or Check

Give in the offering plate or church office.

Options for Giving

There are a variety of ways to give financially to SPC, beyond a Sunday morning donation. Here are some valuable options:

  • IRA Rollover. Donors 70-1/2 years or older can make a qualified charitable donation (QCD) of up to $100,000 directly from a traditional IRA without increasing taxable income. IRS allows an income deduction for your charitable gift. If you are age 72 or older, you can count it towards a required minimum distribution. IRA Distribution Instructions are available HERE.

  • Stocks or property. When you donate mutual funds and stocks that you have held for 12 months or more — you may receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the donated securities up to 30% of your adjusted gross income. Stock Contribution Instructions are available HERE.

  • Donor Advised Funds.Many of our SPC givers use these funds to manage their support of charities.

  • Cash gift. Any generous donation you give — when dated and postmarked by December 31 or given online by midnight December 31 — may apply toward this year’s taxes.

    • Thank you for continuing the faithful and generous support of the important ministry and mission of SPC. Please email with any questions so we can support your generosity at SPC!


  • As a church, we believe that we are called to respond to the generosity of the gospel by giving extravagantly to the progress of the gospel in our community and world. Biblical generosity is not about meeting budget needs. It is about a rich and trusting relationship with a living God. We express our faith and love to Him by honoring Him as the source of everything we have. Scriptural giving is performed with regularity, from the first portion of all we are given, as a proportion of our income, cheerfully, and without pressure or manipulation.

  • Tithing is our starting place in giving. The Bible teaches us about a baseline standard for giving: the tithe (a word that literally means a “tenth”). When we give the first 10% of our income through the local church, we put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others. God also encourages us to give offerings beyond our tithe to specific projects at our local church and to other organizations and causes that we personally believe in.

  • SPC Online Giving uses HTTPS secure access, SSL encryption, and is PCI (Payment Card Industry) Level 1 compliant. You may give through the online giving portal using a MC, VISA, Debit Card, Check Card or Bank Account (ACH).

  • View and download your giving statements by logging into the Member Portal. Click on Giving Information to access your statements!

  • I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ.

    Philemon 1:6

Serve Generously

God has called us to serve generously. We do this when we respond to God by supporting the needs of the church, community and world—when we serve others and share our time, talents and finances. We do this when we pray for people, show love, and live each day with God's wisdom. We do this by celebrating what God is doing—in our church and in the lives of others.