Hard Lessons and Hard Truths

Rev. Jake Medcalf preached a sermon called, "Hard Lessons and Hard Truths," as part of the "Origin Stories Sermon Series. Jake shared two hard lessons he wishes he could go back and tell his younger self. The first is that God loves you just as you are - you don't have to earn God's love through perfection or achievements. The second hard truth is that you cannot keep pouring yourself out for others without taking time to refill your own soul, or you will inevitably burn out.

Drawing from the example of the early church in Acts, Jake emphasizes the importance of being devoted to biblical teaching, but also to koinonia - intimate fellowship experienced by sharing life together inwardly, outwardly serving side-by-side, and bearing one another's burdens. Small groups providing this koinonia fellowship are essential for being replenished spiritually. The sermon is a call to rest in God's reckless love for us and to prioritize soul-nurturing community amidst the stresses of our overcommitted lives.


Worship Church


Movement Church